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Hello and thank you for visiting my site! 

My name is Rob and I identify as many things: advocate, essayist, journalist, scholar, and teacher. You'll see my site is a collection of written material I've amassed through multiple avenues over the last 15 years serving in these various capacities. 


I've divided this site's content by theme: CULTURAL, featuring blogs on the topics of race, rap, and religion; EDUCATIONAL, featuring curricula in fields ranging from religious studies to English lit to human rights to writing; PERSONAL, featuring autobiographical creative nonfiction; and SOCIAL, featuring news articles and essays published through mainstream outlets on the issues of community, race, religion, gender, and sexuality. 

Professionally, I work in the arena of sexual assault services as an education and prevention specialist as well as grant writer. My work, whether through writing or teaching, focuses on deconstructing systems of oppression as they manifest in human relationship. I have a passion for working with young people to create a safer world for everyone as we together deconstruct rigid gender norms and practice affirmative consent.

I earned my Ph.D. in interdisciplinary studies from the Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley, Ca.) in 2018 with emphasis on whiteness, religion, and hip-hop culture. I have career experience in housing outreach, journalism, nonprofit leadership, restaurant management, and secondary and higher education. 

I live in Santa Fe with my partner, pup, and five betta fish. 

© Rob Peach | Santa Fe, NM | 2024

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